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Writer's pictureThelma Anike

Amplio showcases impactful, innovative work at the 2024 ICT4D Conference in Ghana

Toffic Dapilaah discusses the Talking Book with Wayan Vota, Digital Development Leader at USAID

The annual ICT4D Conference brought together leading minds and organizations dedicated to applying technology for sustainable development. This year's event in Accra, Ghana was attended by 700 technical advisors and senior executives from public, private, and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community, and provided a vibrant platform for thought-provoking discussions, networking opportunities, and the exchange of ideas.

The ICT for Development Conference

The ICT4D Conference, founded in 2010 by Catholic Relief Services, serves as a cross-sector platform to explore how information communication technologies and data innovations are contributing to development efforts, humanitarian relief, and addressing critical issues like domestic violence and poverty. It facilitates knowledge sharing and partnership building among diverse stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), private sector companies, funders, community-based organizations, government agencies, and multilateral bodies - convening local and international actors.

The Amplio team was thrilled to be a part of this global gathering from March 18th to 20th, connecting with changemakers from around the world. Our participation allowed us to showcase our work at the forefront of digital solutions aimed at creating a more equitable society.

The primary objective for Amplio's attendance was to network and identify opportunities for collaboration with NGOs, academic institutions, and government entities working on social and behavior change (SBC) interventions in rural communities.

Team Amplio included Country Director Gumah Tiah, Senior Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) Manager Toffic Dapilaah, Senior Partnerships and Business Development Manager Simon Tang, Information Technology Manager Michael Dakura and Communications Officer Thelma Anike.

Team Amplio pose together for a picture on the first day of the ICT4D Conference.

Tech Exhibition Hands-On with Amplio's Digital Audio Tool

At our exhibition booth, we engaged in dialogues where we explained how Amplio's battery-powered audio device - the Talking Book - serves as a sustainable tool, helping marginalized communities gain access to critical information and opportunities. Women shea butter producers learned proper butter packaging and how to reach markets, youth groups discovered employment prospects, and farmers increased their yields and livelihoods through messages listened to on the device.

Attendees got a firsthand look at the Talking Book designed to share knowledge and opportunities to the low literate and communities lacking internet and electricity. Live demos showcased the content recording and uploading process as well as how user feedback is collected to find localized solutions.

Attendees asked insightful questions like the device's content capacity, potential AI integration for language translation, data collection methods without internet connectivity, pricing, past program partners, accessibility for disabled users, alternative program models beyond the Talking Book, and the rationale behind the interface's household symbol keys.

Michael Dakura discusses Talking Book functions with an attendee at the ICT4D Conference

Forging New Partnerships Through Networking

The conference provided excellent opportunities for Amplio to form new connections and partnerships. The team made dozens of new contacts for potential future collaborations involving the Talking Book device and our SBC work.

Promising discussions were held with organizations like Chemonics, IFDC50, Dimagi, ActivityInfo, EngageSpark, Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET), and Ignitia about employing Amplio's solutions for their programs and initiatives.

Amplio also strengthened existing partner relationships with UNICEF,  Center for Agricultural and Bioscience International (CABI), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Mercy Corps, through in-person meetings at the networking sessions. Overall, it allowed for building an expanded ecosystem of collaborative efforts.

Click through the slideshow below to see more scenes from the ICT4D Conference.

Use the arrows to click through an ICT4D conference slideshow.

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